Saturday, August 23, 2014

Pillows, piecing, and a puppy!

Seven throw pillows for $50 (including the inserts)? What a DIY feat!  Ever since we got our new couch, which btw was featured in the NY Times THE weekend we got it (not in our house, but still... thanks IKEA!), I've been eyeing pillows on sites like CB2.  But at $20 a pop for even the sale pillows and another $20 for an insert from The Company Store, I was a bit sad about how much it was going to cost to make our new couch a "supreme comfort zone." My head just kept making the ka-ching ka-ching noise.

Then I saw this.  Then I saw this.  Then I remembered that I wanted to make a quilt before then end of the summer.

Then I looked at the calendar.

Then panic set in and I set out for the closest Joann Fabric store (an hour away). I always find fabric stores overwhelming, but I was on a mission. It was there that I honed my new, embarrassingly wanna-be hipster decorating test: would this object, furniture, or project ever appear in an Ace Hotel? The result... plaid, ticking stripe, and recycled blue jean. My husband appreciates my commitment to keeping our home masculine, but fears the next project shaping up in my head... Macrame.  The 70's are back, people!  Check out where we are so far (and say "hi" to Atticus) (and excuse the slightly blurry, green light.  It's the first month of school.  If I don't put up THESE pics, I'm not putting up ANY pics):

Up close (shout out to Mamaw for the afghan!)...

My first "quilting" project. I know, it's really piecing, but recycled blue jeans AND ticking stripe in one DIY pillow? I'm pretty proud!

A bit "home sewn"? Totally (sorry Heidi Klum).  But let's remember SEVEN! pillows for "about" the price of one! "Supreme comfort zone" accomplished!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Renovation: Living Room and Bedroom (Paint Job)

While the bathroom was torn up, we did some painting and our furniture has been upgraded.
(Confession: the "before" pictures are from 2012). 

Living Room Before (Hi Puppy!)


Living Room After (We need some art!)

Living Room Before

Living Room After

Bedroom Before

Whoops, I forgot to take one! 

Bedroom After

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Renovation: Kitchen and Bathroom

Well folks, here's why I've been so silent....

Kitchen Before

Kitchen After

Kitchen Before
Kitchen After

Bathroom Before
Bathroom After

Bathroom Before

Bathroom After

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Wow, the last two weeks were busy. I squeaked out a few moments to put a backing on one of my embroidery hoops, but I couldn't find any time to post about it.

What was I doing that was keeping me so busy?  Well, two weekends ago I was the roadie and biggest fan for Mississippi's hardest working middle school rock band - the W. A. Higgins Rock Ensemble (directed by Justin Zamm).  The band performed at our local Juke Joint blues festival and they're just the best.  Check it out.

Then, last weekend Justin and I drove to New Orleans to celebrate the wedding of this adorable couple.  Congratulations Adam and Katherine!

Which brings me to the second craft I managed to squeeze in.  I had a dress that I really wanted to wear to the wedding, but it was white, which didn't seem appropriate (it was also stained by horrible NYC subway grease, which meant it was nearing the end of its wearability).  So, I dyed it.  I used a combo of RIT Denim Blue and RIT Royal Blue.  It looks kind of denim-y in the picture, but in-person it's a soft, almost violet, blue.  I wish I'd taken a "before" picture, but one cool thing is that the thread didn't hold the dye so the white, tuxedo-shirt stitching on the front and back became even more pronounced, which looks great.  It's rainy and grey here today (perfect couch-craft, movie-watching weather), so I'm hoping to work on something fun to show you next week!